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30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

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30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

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30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Cirvano vs Regular Wrenches


Access Tight Spaces

Torque Capacity

Wrist Relief

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can it withstand high torque?

Max Torque is limited to 50ft/lb (72Nm) for extremely high torque applications,we recommend loosening the bolt with a standard wrench before using the Offset Extension Wrench for the best results.

How durable is the Offset Extension Wrench?

Crafted with high-quality materials, the Offset Extension Wrench is designed to withstand the demands of both professional and home use. Its construction balances lightweight maneuverability with the strength needed for daily tasks.

Can I use my power tools with the Offset Extension Wrench?

Yes, the Offset Extension Wrench can be used with certain power tools, like battery-powered ratchets. However, to ensure longevity and safety, it's important to use it within the recommended torque limits

How does it handle tight spaces?

The Offset Extension Wrench is specially designed with an offset configuration, allowing it to access and maneuver in the tightest of spaces where traditional wrenches can't reach, making your work smoother and more efficient.